Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Telecharger Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Active@ Data Studio includes a set of powerful desktop applications as well as a bootable image which can be copied to either an optical disk or a flash drive. You can then dual-boot your computer into either a DOS or Windows environment. This also allows you to access your computer even in the event that Windows won't start up. You will be able to use the included applications to manage your data, perform data recovery operations, securely delete files, back up data, create disk images and more. Active@ Data Studio presents a great opportunity to save money on your disk utilities, since it includes all of the main tools in the Active@ range in a single convenient package rather than having to purchase each application separately. Additional features include a network configurator, a file manager, CD/DVD burner and a disk defragmenter among other useful tools. Get the entire set of utilities for a generous price at . You can learn more about the software package and each individual component here.

  • Version du logiciel gratuit : 23.0.5
  • Systèmes compatibles :
  • Type de licence logiciel : Shareware
  • Langues disponibles du logiciel : Anglais
  • Architectures compatibles : 32bits/64bits
  • Auteur / Editeur du logiciel gratuit : Active Data Studio Tools
  • Total des téléchargements du logiciel : 1191 fois
  • Logiciel gratuit publié le : 22 Mars 2023
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Sélectionnez votre version de Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

  • Fichier
  • Compatibilité
  • Télécharger
  • Active@ Data Studio (23.0.5) pour Windows en Anglais Shareware
    Windows XP (32bits/64bits)
    Windows Vista (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 7 (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 8 (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 10 (32bits/64bits)