Click4Time eScheduling 4.0.0

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Click4Time is an award winning eScheduling and online appointment booking software with a free account for single service providers and up to 10 bookings per month. 30 day free trial for paid accounts. The system is currently available in English and Chinese. Here is a short list of the features - Accept payments at the time of booking or force partial or full payments. For example, force a frequent No-Show to pay in advance the next time they book an appointment, Agent Commission system built in for salespeople or service providers to sell your services or for the convenience of Concierge services booking appointments for their guests, Convenient Book Now buttons for your website, Built in QRCode generator to drive traffic to your booking page, Moderate client testimonials before they are published, Full reporting system to analyze and track usage and billing, Client referral tracking and reporting, Accessible via mobile devices, Wait list feature, Customize colors for each service or service provider, Fast and easy setup to get your business up and running. Click4Time's award winning e-scheduling system is ideal for Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Dog Groomers, Business and Life Coaches, Spas and Hair , Nail Salons, Tutors and anyone who books time.
  • Version du logiciel gratuit : 4.0.0
  • Systèmes compatibles :
  • Type de licence logiciel : Shareware
  • Langues disponibles du logiciel : Anglais
  • Architectures compatibles : 32bits/64bits
  • Auteur / Editeur du logiciel gratuit : Click4Time Software
  • Total des téléchargements du logiciel : 1457 fois
  • Logiciel gratuit publié le : 20 Novembre 2014
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  • Click4Time eScheduling 4.0.0 (4.0.0) pour Windows en Anglais Shareware
    Windows NT / 2000 (32bits)
    Windows XP (32bits/64bits)
    Windows Vista (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 7 (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 8 (32bits/64bits)