Log Viewer Plus 1.0.0

Telecharger Log Viewer Plus 1.0.0
Looking for an easy to use log viewer? Viewing log files through a text editor takes a lot of time and patience. It's hard work. As a result, we probably don't spend as much time analysing our log files as we should. That's a shame because you can learn a lot about how your application behaves at runtime by using a log file viewer and tracking your logs. Log Viewer Plus is a professional log file viewer that is: - Fast and easy to use - Built specifically for viewing application log files - Visually engaging to help you find issues faster - Has built in filtering and analysis tools - Works with live data by tailing the log file - Supports large log files - Similar to Tail and Grep, but for Windows - Fully supported We know how difficult it is to get the most from your log files. Text editors make poor log viewers because they were built to edit text - not find bugs! Using a log file viewer makes analysing log files easy. Try it out and let us know what you think. If you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.
  • Version du logiciel gratuit : 1.0.0
  • Systèmes compatibles :
  • Type de licence logiciel : Shareware
  • Langues disponibles du logiciel : Anglais
  • Architectures compatibles : 32bits/64bits
  • Auteur / Editeur du logiciel gratuit : Clearcove
  • Total des téléchargements du logiciel : 2275 fois
  • Logiciel gratuit publié le : 29 Décembre 2014
Télécharger gratuitement

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Sélectionnez votre version de Log Viewer Plus 1.0.0

  • Fichier
  • Compatibilité
  • Télécharger
  • Log Viewer Plus 1.0.0 (1.0.0) pour Windows en Anglais Shareware
    Windows 7 (32bits/64bits)
    Windows 8 (32bits/64bits)
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