PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac is a free Mac OS X application that let you merge several PDF documents into one single PDF file. The merged PDF file will keep the original formatting, page size and page orientation. PDF Merger Mac also allows you to adjust the PDF sequence by the UP and DOWN buttons, which means you can simply add your PDF documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders.
Merge 1,000+ PDF Files in few seconds
Keep original page size, orientation and formatting
Allow users to adjust the PDF merging order
100% FREE
Merging PDF files with the app is an easy three-step process. First, click the convenient "Add" button to select the PDF files to be merged via the Mac OS X Finder, (or just drag-and-drop the files into the PDF Merger Mac app window). Second, click the "Combine PDFs to" button, which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged PDF document. The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "Start Now" button to start the merging process. The progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar.
Occasionally, before clicking the "Start Now" button, a user will realize they added the documents to the merge list in the wrong order. PDF Merger Mac makes it simple to reorder the source files in order to create the correct sequence of files in the final document. Users merely click a filename, and then click the "Move Up," or "Move Down" buttons to adjust a file's position in the list. Or, simply click on a file, and while holding down on the mouse button, drag it to its fresh position in the list. (The entire list of files can be cleared, if needed, via the handy "Clear List" button.)
PDF Merger Mac offers a quick and easy way for anyone to merge any number of PDF files into one, simple to store and share document. The end result retains the original PDF files' formatting and layout.
- Version du logiciel gratuit : 1.0
- Systèmes compatibles :
- Type de licence logiciel : Freeware
- Langues disponibles du logiciel : Anglais
- Architectures compatibles : 64bits/32bits
- Auteur / Editeur du logiciel gratuit : Reezaa
- Total des téléchargements du logiciel : 824 fois
- Logiciel gratuit publié le : 19 Septembre 2016
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